Terms and Conditions

Please read the Terms and Conditions before submitting your products.

  1. Product(s) must be original
  2. Product(s) can be of any concept - Vegan, Organic, Natural or Halal-compliant, a mixture of natural and synthetic ones
  3. Product(s) must be handmade by you, a friend or a family member
  4. If you have used other people's formula, be sure to give them credit
  5. It's ok if the product you made, did not turn out to be successful
  6. No vulgarities and no sexual references
  7. No racism and no politics
  8. If you have to mention sensitive topics like LGBT, be sure it's neutral
  9. There is no need to share the formula with the world! If you want, you can do so.

Acceptable products

I accept all handmade product submission!

  • Skincare such as moisturizer, serum, lotion, sunscreen etc
  • Makeup such as foundation, eyeliner, blush, mascara etc
  • Other products such as mouth wash, deodorants, toothpaste etc
  • Skin lightening products such as those that contain AHA, Kojic Acid etc
  • Hair products such as shampoo, conditioner, pomade etc
  • Problem-based products such as cream for eczema, anti-wrinkles etc
  • Products meant for intimacy such as lubricants (as long as there are no explicit references)
  • Products intended for pets such as Fur Spray, Anti-Odor etc

Non-acceptable products

However, I do not accept these products and will immediately disapprove them:

  • homemade bombs or explosives (I may have to report to the Police if I find that it could harm other people)
  • commercial products that are made and endorsed by a Company but you claim that it's yours
  • cocktail of cosmetic products and call it DIY or Hack (for example, mixing of Foundation Brand ABC mixed with Lotion Brand XYZ)
  • spam submissions
  • any form of sales and promotions to your business

This page will be updated as and when necessary.