Cosmetic Equipment - The Ultimate List

To make great cosmetic products, you are going to need some cosmetic equipment.

You don't have to be a cosmetic chemist to formulate the best product - but if you are one, that's a bonus!

All you need is a basic understanding on how to make emulsion and the right cosmetic equipment!

If you are a beginner, I suggest you start by using small scale and affordable ones first.

Then, as you gain more customers, you can then invest on bigger scale equipment.

*Please note that you may not need to buy everything that I mention below. If you already own some things, then use what you have! 

You can reuse old jam jars to store your emulsion.

Wearable Equipment

Waterproof Apron
Safety Goggles

Mixing & Stirring Tools

Glass Rod
Small Whisk
Small Scraper
Hand Blender
Magnetic Stirrer
Homogenizer (at least 3000rpm and above)

Measuring Tools

Weighing Scale (0.01g)
Gun Thermometer
pH meter
pH Strips
Mini Measuring Spoon (Tad, Dash, Pinch, Smidgen, Drop)

Mold & Packaging

4 Cavity Lipstick Mold (12.1mm)
Mineral Makeup Jar with Sifter
Lipstick Tube (12.1mm)
Foam Dispenser
Eyeshadow Pots


Coffee Grinder (for non-coated mica and powders)
Eyeshadow Press

Remember, you don't have to buy every cosmetic equipment on this page!

Start slowly, start small... then scale up!

You can purchase at any cosmetic suppliers worldwide.

If you cannot find any, you can also try Amazon!