Clean Vegan Makeup - The Ultimate Guide

clean vegan makeup

What is clean vegan makeup?

Did you know that clean vegan makeup is currently trending? Nowadays consumers go 1 or 2 steps further than just vegan.

Because vegan has many shades, some choose eco-friendly vegan, some choose all-natural vegan and now consumers are searching for clean vegan!

However, up until now there is no clear definition of what clean beauty really means. It is up to the business owner how clean + vegan she wants. 

Generally, it is categorized into:


Vegan makeup does not mean it's Natural, Organic, Halal, Eco-friendly and Ethical.

  • non-toxic
  • cruelty-free
  • label transparency
  • eco-friendly
  • no chemicals that cause cancer and disrupt hormones

So, being a clean vegan makeup brand, one must not only have all the above properties but also no animal products and by-products.

It looks almost the same as eco-friendly vegan cosmetics except it has something extra - 'label transparency'.

What is Label Transparency?

There are many formulators who are afraid of publishing their products' labels truthfully. As such, they tend to hide certain ingredients from the list. Hence, you are not being transparent in your labels.

This is definitely not the right way!

When you label the ingredients correctly and truthfully, you are only showing your customers that you care! It also means you are:

  • running a business with integrity
  • an ethical brand
  • showing quality
  • trustworthy
  • respectful

Do not worry about giving too much information away! Both customers and competitors may have the list of ingredients but they still do not know the exact process and techniques being used. 

Or where you sourced out your high-performance botanicals from.

By the way, as an indie makeup business owner, you must keep a Product Information File (PIF) updated.

Why use clean vegan makeup?

A makeup can contain a bunch of chemicals. Some ingredients are necessary, some simply are of aesthetic value. 

A lipstick no longer just contains butter, oils, and colorants. Now they contain peptides, 24k Gold, and collagen... which is pretty cool to me

Clean vegan makeup is not only popular among vegetarians and vegans but also consumers with sensitive or acne-ic skin.

Clean vegan makeup contains:

  • a range of plant-based ingredients
  • fruit pigments, mica, or lake dyes
  • low comedogenic oils 
  • non-fragranced at all 
  • fragranced naturally with botanicals
  • preservatives, silicones, waxes, and aesthetical ingredients - all are not hard-to-pronounce!

Who is using clean vegan makeup?

Apart from vegans, vegetarians, and consumers with sensitive skin, there are many celebrities making the switch too! Some of them even started their own beauty line.

  • Jessica Alba and Honest Beauty
  • Gywneth Paltrow and Goop
  • Miranda Kerr and KORA

Where to buy clean vegan makeup?

  • Everyday Minerals
  • Axiology Beauty
  • Clove + Hallow
  • Hush + Dotti

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